I have tried a large variety of freeze dried foods from several different companies and have compiled a list of the best freeze dried food for camping, backpacking, food storage, or any emergency...
Category: Food Storage
I have spent hours preserving foods through various methods such as dehydrating, canning, freezing, and fermenting but have found that using a freeze dryer to freeze dry foods is my favorite...
One of the first questions I had before buying a home freeze dryer is “what can I freeze dry?” and also “what foods cannot be freeze-dried?” If you're thinking about getting a freeze dryer or...
My Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryer I own my own medium-sized Harvest Right home freeze dryer and feel immense satisfaction, peace of mind, and enjoyment from being able to preserve a wide variety...
List of Common Ingredient Substitutions for Cooking and Baking
It is very annoying to be in the middle of cooking dinner or baking cookies to find you are missing a key ingredient. Before making an unnecessary journey to the grocery store, consider that your...
Wasting food is one of my biggest annoyances! I like to buy foods in bulk that I know our family will use up before it goes bad. Meat is at the top of that list. However, it usually comes in big...